ALERTS localizer, glide slope, and DME failures
DETECTS localizer ground signal deflections (new with V2 release)
NOTIFIES by email and text
GOOGLE MAP view of monitored airports and their live status:
REDUCES downtime
PRISM monitors the ILS localizer, glide slope signs, and DME signals. A public web dashboard shows the current system status. Email and text alerts are sent to designated airport management and maintenance contacts if a system is offline.
Available through our distribution partner:
Aeronav Services
FAA Certified NAVAIDS Maintenance
Tel: +1 770 710-5491

Hey, I think you might be the guy who can solve this for me...
Believe it or not! That was the start of a conversation that led to the formation of jungleSTEM as a business startup. Over the next weekend, an LLC was formed, domain purchased, and website launched. Fortunately for me, Mike Angley (Aeronav Services, FAA Certified NAVAIDs Technician) fed me technical information from the virtual firehose. What would later be called "PRISM" went from concept to working prototype in about 30 days (and many nights and weekends). In fact, the original indoor hardware design is still running at our first test airport (albeit with software updates). The system extends the reach and detection capabilities compared to traditional (and much more expensive) monitoring equipment and is a seamless overlay to airport infrastructure - no integration with existing systems is required.
A year and a half later, the product is nearing its v2 code release, adding new features like detecting localizer signal deflections. We are especially excited about this new feature since it alerts when the ILS localizer signal is not properly centered on the runway. Signal deflections from obstructions like trucks, flocks of birds, or snowbanks can cause a pilot performing an instrument landing to be off course from the runway when descending through inclement weather.
Our ILS/DME Remote Monitor is the OG custom sensor here at jungleSTEM. The top-to-bottom code rewrite unlocks countless future possibilities for analog and digital signal processing using the free & open source GNU Radio development toolkit. Sensor telemetry data is transmitted to the cloud application stack where data storage and processing result in a publicly viewable web dashboard, with outage notifications sent to airport management and maintenance using email and text (and push notifications coming soon).
Aeronav Services, our first client, is also now our exclusive distribution and technical support partner. This story serves as a great reminder about how listening to someone's needs and collaborating with them to solve a problem, not only makes for great product development, but more importantly can be the catalyst for a friendship beyond the business relationship. Give us a call! Perhaps a conversation much like this one will lead to a great partnership and your problem solved.